Lourdes New York’s Andreas Aresti has been feeling fragile, and not just while under quarantine. “Fragility allows for progression,” he says. The designer’s personal style is what has guided his first women’s wear collection to be filled with visually striking multipocket denim, constructed leathers and cotton. His approach with cotton involves cutting up tanks and wearing them upside down reverting them into skirts. The color palette exudes natural tones of beige, blue and black. Lourdes, named after Aresti’s mother, is an homage to both his mother and his roots. Moving forward, Aresti plans to continue developing pieces that hold a long-lasting and sentimental value.
WWD: Please introduce yourself. Where are you quarantined right now? How are you feeling?
Andreas Aresti: Hello there, my name is Andreas Aresti, the designer of Lourdes. I am currently in Brooklyn, N.Y. I feel pretty optimistic about things progressing in the right way.
WWD: Given the circumstances, how have you found inspirations these days?
A.A.: Fortunately for me, half of my inspiration is physical and the other digital. During quarantine I’ve watched more movies, listened to more music. It’s also forced me to revisit older inspirations, old samples, etc.
WWD: Right now, are there any special mementos you stand by?
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